BKB Merino Classic 2022











Ewe with best wool – Owner:  Uysie Willemse, Goedeverwagting Merinos, Heidelberg (Cape). Left: Human and Uysie Willemse, Kokies Jacobs and Kobus Gerber, (Molatek sponsor).










Ram with best wool – Owner: Stefan Naude, Geelbek Elite Merinos, Hanover.  Left: Pierre Vlok (BKB sponsor), Stefan and Marie Naude and Sipho Kane (handler).












Ewe with best build – Owner: Dirk Hanekom, Korenhof Merinos, Klipdale, Bredasdorp.  Left: Abrie Groenewald (Korenhof), Frans Hugo (OVK sponsor), Dirk Hanekom and Nizel Afrika (handler.)












Ram with best build: Owner: Dirk Hanekom, Korenhof Merinos, Klipdale, Bredasdorp. Left: Mari Bronkhorst (Voermol sponsor), Dirk Hanekom and Kirsten Diederiks.





































































































PHONE: +27 (0) 49 892 4148

EMAIL: merinosa@eastcape.net







SINCE 1937. A member of the World Federation of Merino Breeders. Merino SA serves as the mutual forum for registered and commercial Merino Breeders and acts as the planner and mouthpiece of all Merino affairs in South Africa.